What You Identify With, You Become: Day 5 of Become What You Believe – 21 Day Meditation Experience with Oprah and Deepak Chopra

“I’m a believer in belief. Faith is something that works – it causes people to do things, it has results.”

— Tommy Lee Jones

With today’s meditation and message we are faced with the challenge of taking charge of our beliefs. Building upon your positive beliefs gives yourself the power to shift your reality.

rose inspiration

Today’s Message of the Day:

“We have learned that the power of belief is always working behind the scenes to create our identity. In today’s meditation, we want to make use of this knowledge to consciously choose and direct our beliefs, so we are in charge of them – not the other way around.

Turning beliefs of low expectations of life into beliefs of rising expectations is how we make the power of belief our ally in reaching our full potential. This is how the beliefs we hold help us create the life we want.”

The CENTERING THOUGHT for today’s meditation experience was:

“My beliefs give me the life I want.”

The SANSKRIT MANTRA used in the meditation:

Sahas Rara Eem

(I am pure awareness.)

Today’s mantra invites the highest intelligence and love to guide all aspects of life. Beckon the best in you to guide your life.

Today’s four journal prompts were:

  1. Make a short list of beliefs you want to have a month from now. For example, you could wish to believe, “My life is working out the way I want it to,” “I am in control,” “Things are moving in the right direction,” “I feel fulfilled,” or “I am growing and evolving.”
  2. For each belief, write down if it’s already rising in your life, and how.
  3. List the action steps that would make each belief rise faster and become stronger. What changes can you make to reinforce the positive beliefs you want to hold?
  4. Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Today’s journal prompts are in a way asking us to put down in writing what we want to manifest in life and encouraging us to create a map to our destination. Your action plan for where you want to be has to be based on the right beliefs. What’s your action plan?

Our list of beliefs for a month from now will be right around Christmas time. That gets us thinking more about the immediate future doesn’t it? Well in my immediate future is a hearty bowl of soup to warm me up from this sudden burst of cold weather. Check back soon for my Roasted Garlic and Smoked Salmon Potato Soup.

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