21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day – 17 – Reaching the Creative Solution

Staying rooted in a problem believing that you are right is one of the most common forms of “stuckness”. Awareness can do the work instead of feeling necessary to struggle. Adopt a better way, believe that there is a solution. Encourage multiple solutions without bias in an open minded way and be tolerant. When in…

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21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 16 – How to Make Your Environment Creative

We are all here in collaboration with each other and the universe, and we are our best when we allow transformation and growth in harmony with others. As we elevate ourselves, we inherently elevate others. Give the same confidence to others as you feel when you are believed in and listened to. Creativity can occur…

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21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 14 – Finding Your Creative Path

We are coming to the end of week two where we began to expand our awareness. As meditation expands your awareness the wider your possibilities become. Another element needed to activate any of these possibilities is intention. Intention gives awareness direction. The deeper your awareness the closer your intentions are to fulfillment and the power…

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21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 13 – The Joy of Finding Self-Wor

The more we find of ourselves we get unstuck and attract more of what is better. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence liberates others. Creative intentions are much easier to activate when we can see our self-worth in the same way that the cells in our body recognizes every nutrient as…

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21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 12 – Welcoming Change Is Natural

Welcome to Day 12 and the concept of welcoming change. Nature of life is change yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. Often when we resist change is when we are given the opportunity for more. Embracing change is the secret of getting unstuck despite how difficult it may seem. Day 12…

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21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 11 – Awareness Is a Skill You Can Master

We have been seeing that getting unstuck involves some practical guidelines. Awareness opens the door to new possibilities, therefore we need to master the skill of being aware. There are a few specific skills to awareness. First, you need to be skillful at paying attention. You feel in control and connected when you pay attention…

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21-Day Meditation Experience “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 8 – Let Your Awareness Do the Work

Congratulations on completing the first week of the 21-Day Meditation Experience, Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life! This second week is about expanding our participation in being alive by expanding our daily awareness of our own existence. The expansion of awareness holds the key to living from the creative source. Instead of struggling to change…

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21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 6 – You Deserve More Than Second-Hand Experiences

We are taking important steps to getting unstuck and now we have a vision of how every day can renew itself. You need to apply a new mental attitude to get unstuck. Refuse to accept second hand experiences, such as doing what someone else tells you to do and live up to the expectations of…

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