Faith Connects Us Heart-to-Heart: Day 17 of Become What You Believe – 21 Day Meditation Experience with Oprah and Deepak Chopra

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

— Mother Teresa

Our ability to love brings us the greatest power. This love is not about being in love, but about showing kindness and grace to others. This ability to love makes you able to show faith in a greater power. Conscious awareness of love in ourselves and others is the meaning of love and when you believe in the power of love to make mountains move, then miracles happen.

The bond of love is the strongest imaginable connection. Explore your own heart to find the experiences of love and trust in love. Extend your love beyond family and friends with simple steps. Aspire to live as a loving person and look for situations where love can help, then perform an act of love which is an action of helping a person the way you would like to be helped.

heart to heart

Today’s Message of the Day:

“In today’s meditation, we look at the unifying power of faith. We have developed an understanding of faith as the shared value of our core beliefs. This experience of faith is felt as love in our hearts. To live our faith is to live as a loving person. That means our life is directed from our loving center, our true self. We do this by finding situations around us where our love can make a difference, and then extending ourselves in acts of love. These acts are done without any thought of receiving something in return. However, this heart-to-heart connection always brings countless benefits to both the giver and receiver.”

The CENTERING THOUGHT for today’s meditation experience was:

“My faith calls me to love.”

The SANSKRIT MANTRA used in the meditation:

Aham Prema

(I am love.)

This mantra resonates to open your body, mind and spirit to the affirmation that our real nature is pure love.

Today’s four journal prompts were:

  1. Who do you feel a heart-to-heart connection with? Write down all the things this means to you in relation to that person
  2. Describe at least three ways you can connect from the heart level in order to improve the quality of all your relationships.
  3. Pick one person you’d like to connect with at the heart level. Write down three practical steps for achieving this. You could do this by giving more appreciation, paying attention to what they say, not opposing or resisting their opinions, smiling warmly, or seeking out a few casual encounters.
  4. Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Remember that A heart to heart connection is not only meant for those you want to be intimate with in your close circle, but with others in the world that would open your realm of love and faith.

May your evenings be peaceful and your days energetic!

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