Creating Peace from the Inside Out: The Power of Connection – Day 17 Sadhana: Walking the Joyful Path

Walking the joyful path, can be deeply felt when you serve other people with no expectations for return. After the practice of service is the spiritual path of Sadhana – the impulse to grow and evolve that must be consciously nurtured. This spiritual path is different for each individual. What you radiate in your spiritual path effects everyone. Following the right path comes down to what you feel inside and not a definitive goal. The path exists entirely in awareness.


Day 17 – Sadhana: Walking the Joyful Path

I am walking the path of expanding awareness.

Akhando Hum (My awareness is unlimited.)

Today’s meditation is about the importance of following your spiritual path. The word “your” is significant because everyone’s journey into self-awakening is unique. Even if you are practicing the same meditation today as every other person joining our Meditation Experience, or you follow the same religion as a billion other Christians or Muslims, your particular life circumstances, challenges, gifts, and aspirations will make your spiritual path yours and yours alone. Along the way you must learn how to find trust in yourself – in your inner strength, courage, and inspiration.

Journal Reflection Questions:

1. Reflect on your path in life from the inside out. What influences have been the most effective in expanding your awareness? Write down the three most important, such as an inspiring friend or family member, uplifting literature, a spiritual guide, a mentor, a situation where you acquired any of the qualities of the true self, such a love, peace, creativity, compassion, personal evolution, etc. Now journal about new ways to increase that inspiration.
2. Now think about the opposite, reflecting on the people and situations that have caused your awareness to contract. These would be instances of fear, self-doubt, inner conflict, betrayal, frustration, and disappointment. Write down the three most difficult influences, then describe one step you can take today to turn contraction into expansion, meaning that what you gain by making a change is greater than what you give up. This could be increased inner calm, decreased stress, a stronger sense of self, etc.
3. The ideal at every stage of the path is to be at peace with yourself in the present moment. Write down your state of peace right now, listing the positive things that contribute to it and the negative factors that create lack of peace. Journal about how you can increase the peace in your life and decrease conflict.
4. Reflect further on your experience today.

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” – Lao Tzu

2 Replies to “Creating Peace from the Inside Out: The Power of Connection – Day 17 Sadhana: Walking the Joyful Path”

  1. Just stumbled upon your page… Do you happen to have other meditation teachings from Chopra and Oprah?
    Possibly the recordings?

    Thanks for the posts!!

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