Bringing Core Beliefs to Light: Day 8 of Become What You Believe – 21 Day Meditation Experience with Oprah and Deepak Chopra

“True faith is belief in the reality of absolute values.”

― William Ralph Inge

Let’s pat ourselves on our back as we embark on our second week of meditation. Meditation helps us let go of burdens of the past and as we repeat the mantras during our meditations we feel our body open to more and more. This week we’ll go deeper to embrace the beliefs that empower us, and shift the beliefs that hold us back.

We will go deeper to access the place where belief and we become one, a clear calm space where our deepest beliefs reside. Today, our focus is on core beliefs that relate to the self, which have the strongest hold on us.

We are working on 4 Key Beliefs:

I am loving and loveable.

I am worthy.

I am safe and trusting.

I am fulfilled and whole.

Bringing Core Beliefs To Light

Today’s Message of the Day:

“In today’s meditation, we learn that our core beliefs are the most intimate beliefs we hold about ourselves – about who we are and what matters most to us. We learned last week how powerful our beliefs are. This week we will learn how to direct these powerful core beliefs so that their expressions in the world are harmonious and life-supporting, for ourselves as well as others.

If our beliefs become compromised and confused, they have a self-sabotaging influence on our actions instead. As we settle into meditation, we align with our core beliefs of feeling loving, worthy, safe, and whole.”

The CENTERING THOUGHT for today’s meditation experience was:

“My core beliefs express my light.”

The SANSKRIT MANTRA used in the meditation:

Ravaye Hum

(I am the light of pure radiance.)

This mantra helps us radiate as our inner awareness is a self-generating light of knowingness, and as the light grows it permeates all our beliefs and everything in our life.

Today’s four journal prompts were:

  1. Write down your top five positive core beliefs, approaching them as things you cannot do without in your life – your “must haves.” For example, these could be love, achievement, success, service, family, partner or spouse, independence, or God.
  2. Going through the list, note on a scale of 1 to 10 how much time and effort you’ve been spending to support your core beliefs, with 1 = I am doing nothing and 10 = I focus on this every day.
  3. In the areas you have a rating of 5 or lower, write down at least one way to focus more strongly on supporting this belief.
  4. Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

These journal entries help us to bring more light upon what we want and what we are currently doing with our desires.

May your evenings be peaceful and your days energetic!

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