Mindful Baking: Chocolate Sour Cream Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Topping

We are kick starting the first episode of Mindful Cooking & Eating Magic with Mindful Baking. Baking in itself can be a therapeutic experience when you allow yourself sensory experience possibiites… touch…tase..smell… that release feel-good endorhins.  Baking Mindfully creates space in the mind and calmness. In this episode you will be guided through baking Chocolate Sour Cream…

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Mindful Cooking: Meditate While Baking – Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake

I put into motion The Law of Pure Potentiality this week and I am practicing sitting with silence and soaking up nature with morning walks. This first step emphasizes meditation. Much of meditation practices and teachings are done in yoga studios, or on secluded beaches and outdoor spaces, where everything is designed to be calm…

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