21 Day Meditation Experience: Desire and Destiny – Day 16 Uniquely Me

Today is about accepting yourself as the unique you that you are and enjoying every moment of it.

Day 16 – Uniquely Me

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” ― Jane Goodall


Bliss be my guide.


Om Varunam Namah (My life is in harmony with the universe.)

Message of the Day

The expansion of happiness in this lifetime is our birthright. Finding what it is we are meant to do and be, and identifying that which brings us the greatest happiness is our highest purpose in life. This is our Dharma, our truth, and our destiny. Each moment presents us with a unique opportunity to express ourselves in ways that only we can. When we answer the call of our heart in each moment, we have the opportunity to experience pure joy.

Today’s meditation explores what it means to live blissfully in each moment, understanding that the true reward is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but the journey along the rainbow itself. Allow the bliss of being who you are, living as the unique soul you were born to be, carry you along the path of this lifetime and you will be living your life to the fullest

Reflect in Journal Questions:

  1. There is no one else on the planet that is here to be who you are and give what you have to give. Describe the qualities, gifts, and talents that make you unique.
  2. We do not simply have one concrete, unchanging destiny – divine purpose is ever-evolving throughout our lives. What do you believe your divine purpose is in this moment?
  3. What are you grateful for today?
  4. Reflect further on your experience today.

There is only a few more days left of this  21-Day Meditation Challenge: Desire & Destiny Make it a permanent part of your life and meditations collection.  Get it Now!

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