21 Day Meditation Experience: Hope in Uncertain Times – Day 1 The Power of Hope Is Real

Today we were shocked to hear two children and a teacher had been shot in their classroom in San Bernardino, CA. The shooter took his own life after that. We send or children to school every day with intentions to educate them and hopes of giving them the best futures the world should offer. Yet, now we worry each and every day that we let them out of our sight for their future, what if we are sending them to the end. How is this fathomable?!!

Brinks of war, attacks in Syria, we are definitely living in a world of uncertainty and some kind of solace and path to hope is much needed in a time like this. We welcome this new 21 Day Meditation from Deepak Chopra and Oprah. Please join me on this 21 Day journey in embracing uncertainty to uncover hope in our lives.


“The power of hope upon human exertion, and happiness, is wonderful.” – Abraham Lincoln

Message of the Day

“Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Hope in Uncertain Times. We know many of you are feeling uncertainty and confusion about what is happening in the world and what that means in your life. And uncertainty isn’t just present in world events; it can also appear personally in your relationships, your career, or any number of life circumstances. This Meditation Experience will show you how, by directing your attention within, you can find a real hope at the core of your being that will give you the strength, clarity, and purpose to navigate these turbulent times.

We are happy you are joining us to learn how to find and activate this deep hope in your heart. Over the next three weeks, we will explore and experience the power and the freedom that comes with living life from a place of unshakable hope.

In today’s meditation, we learn that uncertainty is not our enemy. We can embrace uncertainty from a place of inner security and harness its creative potential. Secondly, we discover that hope is activated through self-awareness. Our journey together will reveal that hope is not only a powerful center of security and guidance in life, it is also our true nature, our essential being.”

Hope is my source of strength.
Sheevo Hum (I am pure potentiality)

Reflection Journal Questions

  1. Hope supports you when you give it a direction. Write down three things you hope for in your life, i.e. more fulfilling relationships, a better time at work, or inner optimism. Having written these things down, take each one, close your eyes, and repeat each hope silently to yourself with your attention on your heart center. Feel the promise of how hope can warm and expand the heart.
  2. For each of the three things you hope for, write down one action you can take today that will help to bring it about. A small step is perfectly fine, and you should always start within your comfort zone. The point is to begin to act so that hope’s power can be awakened.
  3. Taking those same three items you hope for, journal about how you believe you will feel when that hope is attained. Is it relief, elation, freedom, a sense of belonging, love, accomplishment?
  4. Reflect further on your experience today.

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