Autumn Nostalgia & Balsamic Roasted Grapes

The last few months I have focused on summer fruits – mangoes and watermelon to be exact. As summer winds down and fall is upon us, just as the leaves turn, it’s time to turn to the beautiful ambience of autumn. This month it’s all about the subtle and beautiful amethyst hues in the colors of fall.


Autumn always brings to my mind the grape harvest. Being a wine lover, I love joining in at grape stomps and harvest festivals at local wineries and I’m simply nostalgic for a Tuscan Grape Harvest. Autumn in Tuscany is a celebration of the senses– the sight of plump purple grapes heaped on wagons rolling to the wine press; the earthy scent of “bruciata” – fire roasted chestnuts or in Italian it’s called caldarrosta, in the crisp October air. Bacchanalian flavors of castagnaccio–chestnut cake fresh out of the oven is unbelievable, as the Italian climate is perfect for chestnuts they grow naturally and starts its maturation at the end of September and gets picked up in October and November.


As I watch my own olive tree in it’s down pour of tiny black fruits, I think of the olive trees to be harvested in the Italian fields, the weather becomes rainy and the air wet but the sun is still shining during the day. This creates the best conditions for truffles and mushrooms growing in shaded woods and fields. At this time the three best festivals are in the province of Siena, near Amiata Mountain, one of the best place for chestnuts, mushrooms and truffles in Tuscany. Here you can find green paths for wonderful walks, small villages, old traditions and everywhere the colors and flavors of Autumn dominate the view.

Autumn Festivals in Tuscany:
Festa del fungo e della castagna in Vivo d’Orcia
Festa del marrone in Campiglia d’Orcia
Crastatone in Piancastagnaio


As the Italians start their own harvest preparations in September, and we Californian’s attend grape stomps at local wineries, I will bring to you my experience this month in food and finery. I’m going plum purple with the luscious tone being center stage and a little bit of Italian influence. I’m starting off with Balsamic Roasted Grapes. This is a surprisingly delicious treat and Balsamic Roasted Grapes are easy to prepare using grapes seasoned with olive oil and hardy fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme. At first roasted grapes may sound a little strange, but it’s a hit with everyone who has tried them. Balsamic Roasted Grapes pair well with wine and cheese and makes a beautifully impressive presentation. They are wonderful when warm and everyone who tries them will totally be taken by surprise.


Balsamic Roasted Grapes


3 cups red grapes

olive oil

1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, or to taste

salt and ground black pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Combine grapes, olive oil, and chopped rosemary together in a bowl and lightly toss to coat.
  3. Place grapes on baking sheet.
  4. Bake in preheated oven until grapes begin to wrinkle and split, about 15 minutes.
  5. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and season with salt and ground black pepper.
  6. Serve warm.


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