21-Day Meditation Experience, “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” Day 13 – The Joy of Finding Self-Wor

The more we find of ourselves we get unstuck and attract more of what is better. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence liberates others. Creative intentions are much easier to activate when we can see our self-worth in the same way that the cells in our body recognizes every nutrient as nourishment. Each person deserves self-worth which nourishes our soul.

Day 13 – The Joy of Finding Self-Worth

“We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.” – Malcolm X

I deserve a life without limitations.

Siddho Hum (I am perfect and complete)
This Mantra affirms that your essential nature is always complete, whole and perfect.

Our true self is at one with the entire cosmos. Therefore, our worth is always infinite – it is only a matter of recognizing it as our essential nature. This self-knowledge has nothing to do with our ego or personality; it is about our true being and the unique and vital role that only we can contribute to the cosmos.

Today’s meditation shows us that spiritual self-worth is natural, joyful, and self-affirming.


1. Write down the moments today when you felt most worthy, helpful, assured, and successful. Reinforce those moments by reflecting on their details, letting the positive feelings sink in.
2. Now describe the moments today when you felt shaky, self-doubting, inadequate, threatened, or uneasy. Reflect on and write down ways you could improve the same situations next time. For example, by listening more without making comments, working in advance to be more informed, or not using self-deprecating language.
3. Take one thing about yourself you’d like to feel more confident about. Now, imagine that you were someone else who had this same trait, but didn’t worry or feel bad about it. In your mind, absorb this person’s confidence and describe in your journal how it feels to be confident despite this “negative” thing. Consider being that confident person in the coming week, silently, without drawing attention to yourself. At the end of the week, you can journal about any change that occurred on the feeling level.
4. Reflect further on your experience today.


Each of us has a unique personal calling.

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