21-Day Meditation Experience, Energy of Attraction: Day 7 – Your Deepest Desire

Day 7 – Your Deepest Desire

“In the desire of the One to know Himself, we exist.” — Rumi

Message of the Day

Congratulations! Today we complete the first week of our journey together. This week we have learned about the power of our desires and how to use Nature to fulfill them. We have learned that happiness and fulfillment are our birthright, and that the most effective way to manifest our dreams is also the easiest way. Today we discover that our deepest desire is for spiritual awakening, which is the state of fulfillment and completeness. All other desires are variations on this basic desire for actualization. Every desire is a fragment of our being that seeks awakening, completion, and wholeness.

My deepest desire is for completeness.

Ananda Hum
I am pure bliss.

Journal Questions

Write down two big desires you have for companionship in your life. Now add two desires for career. Finally, add two desires you have for your health. Now look at the list and write down what you believe the emotional outcome would be from getting that desire fulfilled. The common denominator for all these desires, and all desires, is happiness, contentment, or well-being.

When you realize that the feeling of happiness is the goal of all desires, then you understand that there are ways your desires can be completely fulfilled, even if the outcome differs from what you originally had in mind. Write about a burning desire you once had that was very specific, yet when it was fulfilled, it was different and perhaps better than what you had initially envisioned. What does this imply about not being too focused on details and remaining open to new options and paths as they present themselves?

Review your previous six desires, then envision and describe the inner state of fulfillment and happiness behind each of those desires – which is attainable, even if the outer details are different from the initial desire.

Reflect further.

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