21-Day Meditation Experience, Energy of Attraction: Day 11 – The Matrix of Manifestation: Flexible Concsiousness

Day 11 – The Matrix of Manifestation: Flexible Consciousness

“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” — Lao Tzu

Message of the Day

To be receptive to what the universe brings to us, we need to have an open, fluid, and infinitely adaptable awareness. This flexibility of awareness is the third component of the art of desiring. Having fluid awareness means that attention does not get stuck on preconceptions about how the desire is supposed to manifest. By remaining receptive and free, awareness can move and adapt to whatever the intention needs in its development. In today’s meditation we will cultivate fluid awareness as our mind moves from mantra to thoughts to mantra, without friction or resistance. Flexible attention can move with any expression of the intention without losing focus or unboundedness.

My awareness is infinitely adaptable.

Yoyatah Hum
My awareness is infinitely flexible and fluid.

Journal Questions

“If awareness is stuck on preconceptions of what manifestation is “supposed” to look like, compared to what it is, then it won’t be able to properly support the manifestation of desire at that stage. Describe in your journal a project or a person you know that was going through a transitional phase of growth that didn’t fit your expectations, which made it difficult for you to support. Describe another instance in which you felt confidence in a project or person’s new growth as a useful step, and remained relaxed and found it easy to be supportive. This is why fluid attention is essential for successful manifestation.”

“Flexibility is important for another reason: to support and nourish our desire, it must be able to penetrate the subtlest, finest structure of our thoughts and feelings – like a super penetrating oil that can get in the smallest of places. Write about a situation where you were able to fully support a person or a project because you were able to stay flexible, attentive, and present all the while.”

“Meditation cultivates fluidity of awareness. Whenever the mind drifts off the mantra and we are thinking other thoughts, we have a choice to continue the thought we are having, or return to thinking the mantra. Going back to the mantra means our attention is flexible and not caught up in the emotion or interpretation of the thought. Give examples in your journal of both situations. Describe times when you got caught up in the thought and kept going with it, and other times where you initially wanted to follow the train of thought, but easily returned to the mantra instead.”

Reflect further.

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